Things in our house have changed. A lot. A real lot.
I am now the mother of three. It seems weird to even say that. It sounds like such a big number. It sounds like someone with a very established family. It sounds like the beginning of a very different life for us.
So far I have just noticed the little things that have changed.
That it takes at least twice as long to leave the house.
That there really is not moment when at least one of the kids does not need something.
That our house feels a lot smaller.
That I need to drink twice as much coffee.
But most of all that there are now three little ones that I love with all my heart and they love each other so much. It is a very special thing.
Our new addition is now six weeks old. She is a perfect little gift. She is the most cuddly child I have ever held. She just melts into your arms. She sleeps pretty good, eats well, and seems to be adjusting to the change very well.
It is amazing to me that we have only had her in our home for 11 days and it already seems like she has always been here. The kids have adjusted pretty good and love to do little things for her. Like get her a blanket or her pacifier. They like to hold her and help with her baths.
The biggest thing that I am going to have to get used to it the fact that it is just not that easy to leave the house anymore. Part of that is having a newborn, part is having three kids. It is 2:30pm on Tuesday and I have not left the house since Sunday night. That is not normal for me but I am ok with it because I am enjoying just being home and being with my kids. I am also so tired from the lack of sleep that getting out of the house just sounds like to much work.
Life will get "normal" again but normal will be different than it used to be. We are excited about our new family dynamic but learning the ins and outs all over again is a challenge.
It is a new adventure and I am sure there will be stories to tell. But just look at those three kids and tell me how it could ever not be worth it.
That picture is awesome!
Jessie, your kids are so beautifull. I can totally relate to all you said, (definitley twice as much coffee!) I have become the hermit as well, but am starting to enjoy being home more than I used to! There is hope though, it does get easier, and I now venture to the grocery store, (for quick trips) all by myself with all three!
We are still so happy for you, Congratulations!
what a beautiful picture of your children. i can't believe how big the 2 older ones are, and the new one is just so precious. i hope you're adjusting okay- i can't even begin to imagine!!
Oh, they're so cute! I think she has Luella's cheeks! You're doing great- it's a huge change. Just think of when they're older and all running ahead of you out the door. :) (That's what I try to focus on- and when they're all reasonably well-behaved in the store!)
Congratulations on your newest addition. Your kids are gorgeous!
My baby is 14 months old, and it still feels strange to say "I'm the mother of 4." Then of course people always ask how old I am (27) and freak out. LOL
From someone who has been there, and sometimes is still there, it does get easier. Enjoy these days, because they will go by so fast. (I know, it's so cliche, but so true.) :-)
Your children are beautiful. I enjoyed poking around your site. We seem to share a love of books--fellow bibliophiles! My husband just shakes his head and smiles when he sees me return from the library with crates full. :)
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