Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Top Ten Things About My Husband

1. He tells me I am pretty everyday

2. He plays pretend with the kids and they love it

3. He gives the best foot massages

4. He will watch "girl" movies and actually like them

5. He brings me coffee in bed almost every morning

6. He has a good sense of humor

7. He is not easily stressed

8. We share interest, swimming, reading, bike riding

9. He can be very entertaining when sleep walking

10. He loves his wife and kids so very much

Happy Birthday

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Always good for a laugh

When we took the kids to see my sister in the hospital she was so happy to see them. They brought her cards that they had made and they even layed in the bed with her.

When we left and got into the car I said to them that it made her so happy to see them and that it was really nice of them to go and visit her.

My daughters response was, " why didn't she say yipee?

That girl makes us all laugh everyday.

As an update..

It was a car accident that my sister got in and she is doing better. They think she will go home soon but she has a long recovery ahead of her so any prayers for her would be very appreciated. She seems to be in pretty good spirits but she is still in a good amount of pain and it will be awhile before she can even walk. So, I will be taking the kids to see her as often as possible because how can you not smile with those two comedians around.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Monday morning

This has been a long week and it is only Wednesday.

Monday morning I woke up to my cell phone ringing. I answered it and then things felt like they were going in slow motion. It was my sister, she was very upset, not making a lot of sense, there had been a terrible accident, she was in the hospital, she was hurt, confused, and shaken up. I was shaking, called my parents and broke the news to them. They went to the hospital, I had to wait for the social worker to make her monthly visit. Finally she was done and I got in the car and went to the hospital.


My sister laying there. Looking so small, so hurt.

Fractured pelvic bone
Lacerated liver
Broken nose and forehead
Stitches above her eye
Puncture wound on her upper thigh

I almost lost my sister on Monday but she is going to be alright.

She has a very long recovery road ahead of her but they say she will heal

She is in a lot of pain, there is still a possibility of surgery but not very likely

They might move her out of the ICU today.

It has been a rough week. It is going to be long couple of weeks still.

God spared her life and we are all very thankful.

Friday, June 15, 2007

I have been Memed also...

My good friend Kristin passed along a meme.
It is eight things about me that you probably do not know...

1. I have lived in 10 places (houses, apartments) in the last 7 1/2 years

2. I have never broken a bone or needed stitches

3. I have one sister who is almost 6 years younger than me

4. I have friends that I have known since fourth grade

5. I cannot fall asleep at night without reading first

6. I like coffee and salads a lot more if someone else makes them

7. I want to take cooking lessons someday

8. I really, really love to swim

Boxes, Boxes, So Many Boxes....

We are officially moved. Things have been crazy for the last week but we are in our new house and that is good. We are all loving it so much. We have room to breath and a yard to run around in. The kids have been running through the sprinkler and going in the little pool. We have been using the BBQ and enjoying all the nice things about having a back yard.

I will try to post pictures sometime but right now I am just trying to keep my head above water. I am swimming in boxes, trying to keep kids busy, and doing all the little things that have to be done when you move (change address, get garbage cans, get the Internet hooked up) all of that fun stuff.

A week or so more and we should be back to normal, I hope.

Friday, June 08, 2007


Last night at an outdoor theater we watched A Mid summers Night Dream while sitting on a blanket and eating a picnic with my mom and sister.

At the end of the play my daughter looks at me and says, " I have never hugged a fairy in my whole life"

I almost died from the cuteness.

We then went and found a fairy for her to hug which the fairy was very sweet and accommodating. Then she said, " can I hug a princess too?" She thought the girls in the play were princesses and so we found a princess. My daughter was beaming from ear to ear.

In the car we were talking about it and I said, "you are so lucky that you got to hug a fairy and a princess.

My daughter responded by saying," yeah, and I got to hug Donia (my sister) and Nana (my mom).

It was just so sweet.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Book List

I have been so behind but I posted a couple more books over at my book list blog. The summer is a great time to read lots and lots of books.

Summer is here

Here I was getting excited that we were going to have a summer break. No need to do anything in particular and free to do whatever we wanted.

What I found was that little kids do not do so well without some structure. They need to know what they are doing and what to expect. So we have a new schedual. It is different from the school year but still we have a schedual.

I am wondering what other moms do during the summer break? Anybody have any great ideas that have worked for you or web sites that have great ideas?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Today's challenges and one blessing

Today started out with me not having enough sleep from the baby waking up last night. Then my husband left for work and life got really fun.

I went upstairs to see what my daughter was doing in her room and found that she had peed all over her floor, some toys, and her shelf. It looks like she was climbing her shelf like she always does to get her clothes and then peed while she was standing on the shelf. When asked what happened she told me that she did not know that she needed to go to the bathroom. That was fun to clean up.

Our house is packed up for the move to the point that it is annoying to live here. All the things you need are packed and the house is a mess. There is not a lot of motivation to clean but then I cannot stand it so dirty and it is driving me crazy. We found out that we have no idea now when we will be moving. The owner is not answering any of his real estate agents calls and there has been a little hold up in the paperwork and basically we need his signature to go ahead and move in but we cannot get that if nobody can get ahold of him. Not the highlight of my day.

I am pmsing so everything just seems that much harder and I am on the brink of losing my mind. I do not like this part of moving. I do not mind the packing and un-packing so much, it is the waiting that is hard for me. And the kids are kind of going crazy with the unknowns and excitement all at the same time.

I let the kids watch two movies today which I am not proud of but it was all I could stand to do right now. Leaving the house sounded like a lot of work, but so much of our stuff is packed that it is hard to be home and do anything else.

I discovered that a jelly jar was sitting on its side in the back of the fridge and had leaked onto a couple of shelves. Now I need to take everything out and clean it really good because every time I pull something out it is all sticky and I can't leave it like that. I feel like my whole house is covered in pee and sticky stuff right now. I bet that makes you want to come over to my house.

The blessing though on this frustrating day. My baby took a four hour nap. In her crib. This has never happened before and I do not expect it to happen again anytime soon but it was a nice little surprise on a very hard day.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Food Adventures

I try to teach my kids to have an open mind about eating. Tonight I told them that we should try a new restaurant that we had not been to before. It is a Greek restaurant so I was not really sure what to expect. I told them to keep their minds open and just give it a try. They might discover that they like it.

So, we go in and I order for the family. We sit down to hummus with pita bread, grilled vegis, and two gyros. My husband and I take a bite. And then a couple more. I start to wonder about the meat but do not want to say anything in front to the kids. Then I am starting to get really grossed out as I discover that it is LAMB! I do not like lamb, I do not eat lamb. How did I miss the fact that it was going to be lamb in my food.

I descretly slide my food away, my husband doing the same thing. Then we leave. I talk to the kids about how it is good to try new foods because how else will you know that you like it or not. We all decide that we are not to fond of this restaurant and will not be going back there.

I went into the whole adventure thinking that it would be good for the kids but it was me who was really in for an adventure.

Then we headed straight to Big Spoon ( our local frozen yogurt shop) so that I could get that horrible taste and thought out of my mind.

Peanut butter frozen yogurt with granola on top did the trick.

Lesson learned.. I might think my kids are picky but I have my things that I do not like to eat also.