Saturday, May 20, 2006


We are here in Tennesse visiting some friends. They moved here last summer from California and we came to see their new house and town and life. The flight out here with the kids was a dream. I cannot believe how good they did. I was actually the one that had the most problems. I got so motion sick that I thought I was going to really throw up. Thankfully I did not but it was not very fun. We got here on Friday night and today we hung out at their house. They live in this really cool neighborhood where everyone knows each other and the kids just play outside all day. There are not really any fences and the kids play in each others yards and everything. It is a really nice concept. Then we went to Nashville and looked around a little bit. The things that we have noticed that are the most different so far:

* There are so many churches!
* It is really, really green
* There is a lot of music stuff and music people
* There are a lot of Christians, "I guess that is why they call it the Bible belt"
* The people are really friendly

We are having a great time visiting and being with friends. The kids are playing a bunch and just fall into bed at night. The guys are out watching a movie and I am going to go to bed.


devon said...

It sounds so nice. And hopefully you did'nt mention the heat because its not a factor? I love the no fence thing, too. In Michigan it is like that and the first couple of years i thought i did'nt like it, but now i really do. Because of the kids and also it makes your own property seem bigger with no obstructing of views, etc. The green thing you mentioned about Tenn is absolutely what stands out in my mind about that state, even more than any other. Does it just rain there all the time or what? I think its a sort of tropic.
Hope everyday gets more fun, and that something can help you on your return flight. Praise God for your good little children on the plane, thats not a short trip!

urban mama said...
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