Thursday, May 25, 2006

New Book

I am just about done with the book that I am reading and I am really in the mood for a biography. Does anybody have a good recomendation. I cannot decide who I want to read about. Any ideas?


Marking A Wallet said...

If you are into the music of George Gershwin, Judith Rozenblum wrote an excellent biography of him. Well-researched, yet accessible.

Lisa said...

Gold Cord by Amy Carmichael. It's amazing. She was a missionary to children in India in the first half of the 1900's. Her faith is really inspiring.

Lisa said...

I think this is the first time I've left you a comment. I guess I've been secretly enjoying your blog. I was among the Prodigal campers in your backyard that one time :)

Elena said...

You've probably read it, but my all-time favorite is No Compromise by Melody Green (about Keith) I also just finished a loaner from Rae that I loved called The Family Nobody Wanted, about a couple that end up adopoting 12 mixed kids in the 40-50's and lived around this area. I really liked it, but it is pretty short. (I really like the G.G.)

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