Thursday, December 21, 2006

Colds, Waiting, and Kids

We all got the winter cold. It is not so bad except for my daughter. She is so grumpy and it is making it hard on all of us.

We are in the waiting stage of our adoption. We are ready to be placed with a child but we just have to wait for one to be matched to us. I think this has been the hardest part. It is hard when there is nothing for us to do. We just sit and wait. I am glad that we have Christmas to keep us busy. It helps to keep our minds off it but it is always there in the back of your mind.

Today is my husbands last day of work until after New Years. I am so excited. The whole office will be closed so it will be a real break without anyone calling him or needing him for anything. We are looking forward to some good, quality family time.

The kids are just, well, I don't know how to say it... busy, loud, funny, frustrating, crazy, loving... Everyday is a new challenge and a new joy.

I am looking forward to this Christmas. We do not have a lot of plans but we are going to go to Tahoe and stay up there for a few days. I actually found some presents that I think my husband will like and the kids are both just so excited that it is rubbing off on us.

I feel so incredibly blessed this year and it is hard not to kind of feel guilty when others are having a hard time. I like to think that God wants us to use our blessed times to make others hard times a little easier so I will be looking for ways to do that. May God use us all in all times of our lives.

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