Friday, June 15, 2007

Boxes, Boxes, So Many Boxes....

We are officially moved. Things have been crazy for the last week but we are in our new house and that is good. We are all loving it so much. We have room to breath and a yard to run around in. The kids have been running through the sprinkler and going in the little pool. We have been using the BBQ and enjoying all the nice things about having a back yard.

I will try to post pictures sometime but right now I am just trying to keep my head above water. I am swimming in boxes, trying to keep kids busy, and doing all the little things that have to be done when you move (change address, get garbage cans, get the Internet hooked up) all of that fun stuff.

A week or so more and we should be back to normal, I hope.


Larissa said...

yay!! i was wondering how that whole thing was going.... can't wait to see pics of the new place! :) hope you have a fairly smooth week of unpacking and getting things 'normal.'

kddub said...

Can't wait to see pictures, we are very happy for you. We'll get to see it when we come out to visit, which I need to e mail you about anyways!