Friday, June 15, 2007

I have been Memed also...

My good friend Kristin passed along a meme.
It is eight things about me that you probably do not know...

1. I have lived in 10 places (houses, apartments) in the last 7 1/2 years

2. I have never broken a bone or needed stitches

3. I have one sister who is almost 6 years younger than me

4. I have friends that I have known since fourth grade

5. I cannot fall asleep at night without reading first

6. I like coffee and salads a lot more if someone else makes them

7. I want to take cooking lessons someday

8. I really, really love to swim


kddub said...

Let's see, you've got me beat on the houses. I've lived in 6 houses in 6 1/2 years. This is the longest we've lived in a house with no thought of moving again, it's weird.

Hopefully you go your whole life with no broken bones or stitches! That would be cool.

I'll make you coffee and salads the next time you visit!

randy said...

this is randy

im about the same as you Kristen, 6 in 6, but im counting my parents cause i lived their after college.

Well, Jesse since im one of the people thats known you since 4th grade i new a couple of your 8, but I'll forgive you.
