Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Today's challenges and one blessing

Today started out with me not having enough sleep from the baby waking up last night. Then my husband left for work and life got really fun.

I went upstairs to see what my daughter was doing in her room and found that she had peed all over her floor, some toys, and her shelf. It looks like she was climbing her shelf like she always does to get her clothes and then peed while she was standing on the shelf. When asked what happened she told me that she did not know that she needed to go to the bathroom. That was fun to clean up.

Our house is packed up for the move to the point that it is annoying to live here. All the things you need are packed and the house is a mess. There is not a lot of motivation to clean but then I cannot stand it so dirty and it is driving me crazy. We found out that we have no idea now when we will be moving. The owner is not answering any of his real estate agents calls and there has been a little hold up in the paperwork and basically we need his signature to go ahead and move in but we cannot get that if nobody can get ahold of him. Not the highlight of my day.

I am pmsing so everything just seems that much harder and I am on the brink of losing my mind. I do not like this part of moving. I do not mind the packing and un-packing so much, it is the waiting that is hard for me. And the kids are kind of going crazy with the unknowns and excitement all at the same time.

I let the kids watch two movies today which I am not proud of but it was all I could stand to do right now. Leaving the house sounded like a lot of work, but so much of our stuff is packed that it is hard to be home and do anything else.

I discovered that a jelly jar was sitting on its side in the back of the fridge and had leaked onto a couple of shelves. Now I need to take everything out and clean it really good because every time I pull something out it is all sticky and I can't leave it like that. I feel like my whole house is covered in pee and sticky stuff right now. I bet that makes you want to come over to my house.

The blessing though on this frustrating day. My baby took a four hour nap. In her crib. This has never happened before and I do not expect it to happen again anytime soon but it was a nice little surprise on a very hard day.


Anonymous said...

I'm PMSing too.

Unknown said...

me too.

Court said...

not pmsing:) but nursing a newborn...and we are moving again too! i feel your pain...only we are not sure where yet, we just need to be closer to SLO so i have literally only unpacked the necessities here...ready to be settled though:)

Unknown said...

i'm nursing a newborn as well.

where are you moving to?

kddub said...

wow... fun day....
I'm sorry. I hope you can move and get settled soon.

Anonymous said...
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Larissa said...

sounds like a not too fun day!! i hope everything with moving works out okay, what a frustrating place to be in, stuck between the two!! argh.
and not pmsing, but pregnant!! i feel it- seems like every female on here has some hormone issues going on to add to the fun of life!!

molly said...

You crack me up! That is so funny your sticky stuff and pee.
What a blessing though, that God knew you needed a bit of a breather and allowed Ruth to sleep longer! Love that story!