Wednesday, September 19, 2007

It feels like fall!

Sorry about all the house pictures. I have a teething baby that does not think night time is for sleeping anymore. I am standing at the bar in my kitchen with my baby in the carrier typing with one hand and trying to get her to sleep.

It is a great day though because it is the first day that feels like fall. I
LOVE this time of year. It has always been my favorite. I like all the seasons for different reasons but fall is the winner.

I love the crisp cool mornings. How it is cool but not cold. I love the food that we eat at this time, the soups and breads and apples. I love the clothes that I get to wear. I love being cozy in the house with a fire.

It rained tonight and the smell was amazing. As we drove home the sunset was a bright pink and just so pretty.

I am getting excited. There is an electricity in the air, I can feel it. And it is going to be a wonderful new season.


kddub said...

I love this time of year too!

Court said...

Just getting caught up on your blog, I love looking at all your pictures and reading your thoughts! I miss you girl! And your beautiful family:) We need to introduce the Babies:) I think we will come to Sac in November...but we would love a visit from you guys. It is Fall in the air here too, I feel like smelling pumpkin and cinamon...we will miss you guys this year on Halloween! I am just gonna call you next week...I ahve to much to say:) Have a good weekend:)

Larissa said...

oh that sounds soooo nice!! we miss it there so much- hopefully we will be back home sometime soon... for GOOD.
enjoy the beautiful time of year.