Tuesday, May 01, 2007

This girl is THREE months old

I cannot belive that it has happened so fast. It goes faster and faster with each kid. She is just wonderful. She is starting to really interact with us and it seems like she really knows us now. She is a little daddy's girl. While he was gone for the weekend with the other two kids she did not sleep as well and she would not let me put her down the whole time. As soon as her daddy got back she is sleeping good again and happy as can be. He has that special touch with her.

The kids were so happy to see her when they got home. They went straight to her and started kissing her and loving on her. It was so sweet.

She is just a complete joy to our whole family. It is at that point where we cannot imagine life without her. She is meant to be here and she completes our family.

I love her so much. Her name means, friend, and I feel like it describes her so well already. She is a friend to her brother and sister.

I went up to visit my parents the other day and she fell asleep in the chair with my dad and it was just so sweet for me to see her so content and being so loved by my dad.

We are happy to be so blessed with her and are awed by the way the Lord has blessed us so richly.

We love our little baby girl.


Anonymous said...

She's beautiful- it's so special when your kids start to feel as though they'd always been there!

kddub said...

congratulations, shes so sweet. Can't wait to meet her! we are happy for you all