Friday, June 08, 2007


Last night at an outdoor theater we watched A Mid summers Night Dream while sitting on a blanket and eating a picnic with my mom and sister.

At the end of the play my daughter looks at me and says, " I have never hugged a fairy in my whole life"

I almost died from the cuteness.

We then went and found a fairy for her to hug which the fairy was very sweet and accommodating. Then she said, " can I hug a princess too?" She thought the girls in the play were princesses and so we found a princess. My daughter was beaming from ear to ear.

In the car we were talking about it and I said, "you are so lucky that you got to hug a fairy and a princess.

My daughter responded by saying," yeah, and I got to hug Donia (my sister) and Nana (my mom).

It was just so sweet.


Anonymous said...

She's so sweet! Don't you just love this age? I love the things they say... YaYa has been pretty cantankerous the last couple of days, though, and I have to work to remember all the good stuff :) I've been behind in reading your blog and am amazed that you are moving so soon! Wow! That is really hard, with all the kiddos. Miss you, Rae

kddub said...

She is such a sweetie. How cute...

this little sonic iceberg said...

hi jessie!
thought i'd say hello. your daughter is definitely beautiful. i'm going to link to your blog. nice to be in touch, in a way, again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessie, Marcia shared your blog with me. I'm so glad you and Levi are doing well. Your kids are sooo wonderful! Your baby reminds me of our daughter Trinity when she was a baby.We adopted a child too from foster care. She was eight when we adopted her. She is now 12yo almost 13yo. It's been both wonderful and really hard at the same time. She lived with her birth mom for five years and was exposed to all kinds of horrible things children should never see. Anyway we are still trying to work though allot of things. We know God wanted us to adopt her so we are taking the good with he bad.If we adopt again I'd like to adopt a baby next time. Anyway just wanted to say hi. My email is