Friday, September 14, 2007

My work in progress

I have been hesitent to share this picture because my hair does not look how it will after some time. . About a week ago I went and had my hair locked but it will be awhile before it will be really locked. It is something that I have wanted to do for awhile but finally went for it. So now I just have to wait for the final result.


Larissa said...

jessie- i have wanted to do this FOR-FLIPPIN-EVER!!!
it is so awesome, i hope i get to see this SOON and in full on dreads!!! you'll look awesome!! (well, of course you already do, but this will look SOOOO good on you!!)
good job on the bravery!!!! maybe i'll be brave enough to do this one day!! :)
(i asked ben, and he said "i didn't want to tell you till you saw the picture!") no fair he already knew!!


I think that it will be well worth the wait

Anna said...

I didn't know the term "locked" before. How is it done? Glad you got to finally do this!

kddub said...

it's always fun to change things up! I had a friend do this before and they used some sort of wax to start them. Did they do that with you?

urban mama said...

Larissa-- Thank you, I think you should do it then I would not being doing it alone

Anna-- the term locks is a term that I like better but I am not that picky

kddub--The girl did use beeswax stuff, she twisted and backcombed a bit and then put me under the dryer for awhile and now I just wait for time to do the rest