Sunday, February 11, 2007

Can you say throw-up?

I have been living in the world of throw-up for the past couple of days. Not me but my family. On Friday I went to visit my great-grandma. My girl was acting kind of funny but I just thought she was tired. That afternoon I am sitting there having a conversation with my mom and grandma with my girl on my lap and all of a sudden we are all covered in the lovely stuff. Poor thing. We got it all cleaned up and were sitting on the couch. She was on my lap still and here it comes again. I know this is to much information but really. How often does someone actually get thrown up on unless you are a mom or dad. So we stayed the night she slept good and was fine the whole next day. We came home later that afternoon to find my husband making runs to the bathroom himself. Let's just say it is a real blast at our house right now. My girl was good all day Saturday, all day Sunday until we went to church. We go to church at 4pm so she had been good for almost two whole days. My husband took her to her class and then she threw up there all over him. Fun, now we are even. He took her home, they got cleaned up and then again all over both of them. My poor little girl. The hard thing with kids is that there is no warning. They are just sitting there and then they are throwing up. So, it is Sunday night, she is in bed and seeming to be pretty good. I hope that was the end of it and that the rest of us can stay well.

Doesn't that make you want to come visit us?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yuck! Do you or your kids have the throw up reflex when they see throw up? The chain reaction is not fun either...
I am so sorry. I hope that you all are feeling better soon!