Saturday, February 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Princess!

My sweet little princess,

Can it be true? Did you really turn three today? You are no longer a baby but now you are a girl. You have changed so much the last couple of months. You are talking so much now and so clearly. I can have actual conversations with you. You got a real hair cut and it made you look so much older. My little girl is growing up and it is a good thing but I miss my little baby sometimes.

This year you asked for a pink, princess party so we did it up with the pink and the princesses. You informed me that my shoes that I put on this morning were not princess shoes and picked out the ones that were suitable. You were so excited about your party and kind of got overwhelmed with all the attention. We had a family party and you loved having everyone at our house. You thanked every person after each gift that you opened and showed pure delight at each and every gift. The ones from your brother were extra special to you. He made and wrapped them all by himself. Then we feasted on pink cupcakes and you were in pure heaven. As the party died down you kept asking if it was still your birthday and were happy to hear that it still was. Now you are sleeping in your bed a very tired little girl but one who knows that she is very loved.

Things we love about you right now:

That you say happy burbay for happy birthday

That your response to most questions is " of course"

That you are such a girl and love girly things but you can play rough with the boys and are much more tough then you let on

We love to watch you in gymnastics and swimming lessons. You do everything with your whole heart.

That your teachers at Bible study get a genuine grin on their faces when they see you coming. You are truly a ray of sunshine in everybody days that is so blessed to spend time with you.

That you suck your two middle fingers and hold your stuffed kitty's tail just under your nose in just the right way, it brings you such comfort.

The nights that we let you and your brother tell each other stories before going to bed.

The way that you love all of us. Our lives would not be a fun of joy without you. You make us laugh and feel loved every single day.

Happy Birthday Princess.

We love you more than we can tell.


Rebeca said...

Awww.... fun! Happy Birthday to her! Many years! And I will look forward to hearing adoption news!

devon said...

Oh my Goodness! So pretty and so darling!

Anonymous said...

She looks so much like you, Jessie! Happy birthday to your sweet girl. (Kenya has a little black kitty that she's been playing with lately, calling it her "super-kitty". I think it's Luella's kitty's twin. They should have a kitty party together.)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to that sweet, cute little girl!

Larissa said...

happy birthday luella!! i can't believe she's 3!!