Thursday, August 10, 2006


I figure that if I talk about this book enough everybody will decide to read it. It is the one called Grace Based Parenting and I am getting so much out of it. It is really easy to read and you just learn so much. This morning I was reading about how we are not supposed to shield our kids from everything and make it so that they live in a "safe Chrisitan environment" and never let them learn from things in this world. He is saying that we need to teach them to trust in God in those situations and to learn how to do that. He was also saying that if he shild them and try to keep everything from them and act like the world is a really scary place we are teaching them that God cannot handle it and that He is not to be trusted. I thought it was really profound. He was also saying that we need to accept that our kids are fragile, that the world is a sinful place, that Saten is out to ruin us but that God had the first word and He will have the last word. He is mighty and our kids need to know that.

Levi and I are also really enjoying this show that we discovered on the itunes thing where we can buy episodes and watch them on the computer. It is called 30 days and it is by the guy that did the show Super size me. He takes topics and then has a person go and live in that situation for 30 days to see what it is really like. As an example. There was a minuteman (the guys that help watch the borders between us and Mexico and report anyone that they see coming across) and they had him go and stay with a family in East L.A. who are here illegally. It was a family of 7 living in less than 500 sq. ft. and he lived with them for 30 days. It was so interesting. To watch his feelings and opionions change when his world view was opened up and broadened. It made me realize how important it is for us and our kids to have a real world view and not just what is going on here in America.

My project right now is that it looks like we will not be able to get my son in the school that we want to this year so I think I will be homeschooling him this year. I am doing a lot of research and figuring out how I want to do it. We will see what we will do after I do some more looking around and see what fits our family the best.

1 comment:

kddub said...

I am still reading that book, it's really good.
Also, we've watched a couple of those "30 days" shows. When you get to the one about an athiest living in a Christain home, they take her to a Third Day show. Brody was working at that show, and met those people and they all interveiwed the band back stage. That part was small on the episode, but just thought I'd share. It's a good episode.