Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It's Nice To Be Home

Well, we made it home safe and sound. It was a long day of traveling but we made it all ok.

We left at 10am and drove for about 4 hours
Got to the airport and our plane left at 3:30
We were supposed to have a 2 hour lay over and it turned into a 3 hour one
Then second flight we sat on the runway for a really long time
Finally landed in Sacramento at about 10pm
After getting our luggage and home it was after 11pm before us and the kids were in bed.

The kids did really well through the whole thing. Not really any break downs but they were pretty tired today.

After we got in the car we noticed a horrible smell and discovered that one of the car seats and my bag had some kind of really nasty liquid on them. I do not know what it was but that was not a very nice surprise. We cleaned it all up today and everything is just fine.

I thought I would share some pictures from our trip

We went to a waterslide park that was really great for the kids. We all had a really good time.

We spent one day at the Glacier National Park. Look at how clear that water is! It was the most beautiful lake any of us had ever seen. We were not prepared to swim but all of my family decided that the water was just to nice to not swim so they striped down to their underwear and jumped in. Just as I was getting up the guts to join them it got pretty windy and was not warm enough any more. O well maybe next time. We also got to see a mama bear and her two cubs. That was very cool. We went on a short hike that was also beautiful. We had a great time as a family and being outside.

On our last day there we went to Whitefish lake and spent the day on the beach and swimming. The kids had a ball and as you all know by now I love to swim so we were all happy. The weather was perfect in Montana and we took full advantage of it and spent most of our time outside.

When we were not spending our time outside in the water and sun we were at the house playing many, many different games. Dress up was one and building forts was as a big one. The kids got along really well and built some life time memories with their cusins. My girl kept calling this cusin her friend and after awhile she told me she was her sister. My son also had a grand time building things, creating things, and just acting like any kid should.

I am glad to be back but I am also glad we went. It is so important for the kids to make these memories. I have such great ones from when I was little and I want them to have that also. There is nothing quite like a cusin.

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