Thursday, September 07, 2006


It has been a very busy week. We had our first day of school on Tuesday and it went well. I have some learning to do but we had a good first day. The kids were bursting at the seams on the first day. I like the program a lot and it seems to keep their attention pretty good.
Tuesday was also our first soup night. I was so excited getting ready and then a little nervous wondering if anyone would come. As it turns out we had about 12 adults and a handful of kids. They were people that we know from all different places and I was surprised at how well everyone got along and it just all went really good. We had plenty of food and the kids had a great time playing with their friends. My daughter said " let's do that again". She will be happy to discover that this will be an on going thing.
The last fist for Tuesday was that it was the first full day of my daughter being in underwear for the whole day without any accidents. I am so happy. It looks like we may be able to have her out of diapers before we get the next one.

Us in our new " school room" it is also the room that we just got done painting.


kddub said...

The room looks good! I imagine it will be a good year, with all that is going on. How do you work the hours of school, and do you do it daily as well?

Unknown said...

nice kids.

academic report writing said...

very nice looking room! well done, you gonna do it right, it's true~