Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I love this holiday. It has always been one of my favorites. When I was a kid I think I got sick about 3 or 4 years in a row on the 4th of July. I was just so excited or somthing that my body would break down and get sick. So this year was a real treat to me. I got to go to the little parade called the Dutch Flat parade that I have been going to for as long as I can remember. It is such a small town and the parade is really little, so little in fact that it goes around twice. Nothing like true small town America to celebrate the 4th. My son even got to ride in the police car the second time around. He loved that! When I was a kid I was a clown one year. I got all dressed up and I was so excited. Yep, that was one of the years that I got sick. I was one unhappy clown.

Then we went to my parents house for a BBQ. Some of my family was there and it was just a very relaxed, layed back afternoon. The food was really good, the kids played, and we just sat around and talked. Very nice.

Then we left there and were off to another BBQ ( the all American thing to do) at our friends house. Where once again our kids ran around and had a great time and we got to visit with some new people. We always like meeting new people so that was fun for us. We had more good food and totally stuffed ourselves. They really threw a great party and we were sad to leave but we had one more stop to make.

We had to end up at the fireworks. We were debating it because of the kids but I just could not pass it up. I love fireworks and experiencing them with my kids is so much fun. We went down by the river and we could see them really good. The kids loved them and we could officially call it a day. It had been long but one that we will remember. Lots of fun, friend, family and food. What more could you ask for?

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