Sunday, July 09, 2006

Random Thoughts

Italy won!!!

We had a world cup/birthday party today. It was a lot of fun. Italy won so that was good and we had a lot of fun with our friends.

Our son came home today after camping for four days with his grandparents. He had so much fun. He has been talking non-stop since he got home. It is good to have him back.

I am having a major PMS time so everything seems a bit overwelming but I know that in a couple of days everything will go back to normal.

I have a dentist appointment in the morning for a cleaning. I really hate going to the dentist.

The kids swim lessons also start tomarrow. They are looking forward to that.

I am reading the best parenting book ever written ( in my opionion) called Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel

I also just found out from some friends about a web site called that sells different home made stuff that people from all over make and I think it is my new favorite web site. There is a bunch of really cool stuff.

I am over tired and need to get some rest. It is hard to get a complete sentence out.

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