Monday, July 24, 2006

Summer Camp

Today was my sons first day of summer camp. We signed him up for a week of it at the school that we are trying to get him into. We are hoping to hear soon if he will be able to go there next year or not. I thought that if he does the summer camp would be a good way to transition into the school, he could meet some kids, and he would be more familiar with the setting.

So, this morning we took him and he wanted me to wait for awhile until he felt comfortable. He got a little teary eyed a couple of times when he was not sure what was going on but he always pulled himself together and pressed on. I watched while he got a partner and started the task that the teacher asked them to do. At first he was not sure and I could tell he was a bit stressed. Then he started getting more comfortable and was smiling and laughing. It made me so happy. I know how hard it is to go into a situation where you do not know anybody and try to make it on your own. He did really well. After about 15 min. I asked him if it was ok for me to leave. He said yes with a big smile on his face.

It is almost time to pick him up and I am looking forward to hear how his day went. My little boy is really growing up.

1 comment:

Rae said...

He IS a big boy! That's so cool-- summer camp.