Friday, October 06, 2006

How we are getting along

Things here have not changed much. My husband is still sick and having a hard time accepting the fact that he really is sick. He tries to do something but then ends up on the couch in a lot of pain. Me on the other hand, I am tired. Very, very tired. It is hard to do everything all day and not get frustrated that he cannot help. I know that he can't and should not but it is still hard. I just wish I knew what was going on. We have not been able to get any more information from the doctors and so we do not know what is exactly wrong. He is supposed to go to a doctor for a follow up appointment so hopefully we will know something after that.

On a different note I got my hair cut today. It is a lot shorter but I think that I like it. It is going to be much easier to take care of and maybe I will be able to make it look good more often instead of always having it in a pony tail.

We have spent a lot of time at the park lately. The weather has been beautiful and the kids have been loving it.

Home schooling is going good. We just got done trying the five in a row book. I highly recomend it. We got to study all about Jewish things and being a good neighbor, and found out where Poland is and we went to a Jewish deli today. It was a really fun study. I am looking forward to our next one.

We are planning a trip to visit some friends on Sunday until Wednesday. We are all looking forward to it. The kids have been counting down the days. I am hoping that my husband is feeling up to the trip, but if not we will go ahead without him.

It is Friday night and I really like Friday nights. I like the feeling that the weekend is just starting and that I get to look forward to Saturday mornings. I like how slow we can take it on the weekends and that the kids seem to just be happy to hang out. I like making a big breakfast or going out to breakfast. I like getting the house cleaned up and ready for another week. I would have to say that Friday nights and Saturday mornings are my favorite times of the week.

I am going to go to bed now. I have a very full day ahead of me.

P.S. check out my adoption link to find out more details about our adoption process.


kddub said...

How weird that Levi is sick, and that no one knows what is wrong with him? Maybe there is a serious virus going around. A couple of people on the tour have been hospitalized with either food poisining or something else. Wow, that's scary, keep us updated, and I'll keep praying.
On another note, I am also studying jewish history in a bible study that I am doing. It's very interesting.

kddub said...

Last night I saw on the news, that carrot juice is making people sick. It's a brand from California, and it's causing botchulism. I guess we should all just steer clear of pre packaged veggie things right now!
Again, I hope he's okay.