Monday, October 16, 2006


We had a great time at the pumpkin patch. I love getting pumpkins. I think that I get just as excited as the kids do. There is this really fun place called Bishop's Pumpkin Farm that we have gone to the last two years. There is so much to do there. There is the petting farm, the train, the corn maze, the hay ride to go out and pick your pumpkins right off of the vines, and so much more. We were so tired when we left there and so dirty. That to me is a sign of a good time. To me picking out our pumpkins is like the true start of the fall season and I get so excited. It has been getting colder here kind of grey. I have been able to burn candels now that it gets darker earlier and the house feels really cozy. This is a wonderful time of year and I am going to enjoy every bit of it.

1 comment:

kddub said...

How fun! I was just looking at pictures the other day of when we went to apple hill to get a pumpkin! You were pregnant with luella, and we were trying to get a good picture of Nicoli and Eliot together. This time of year is great.